Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Unedited Classmate Critiques on Video Art Project 2

The piece may be seen here

The following are notes that I jotted down as my teacher and classmates critiqued the piece.  Each empty line marks somebody else commenting.

Teacher comments:
Many genres – 70’s movies in lighting and color, many genres specific to art.
Similar to artists: Bruce Nauman, Douglas Norman(? Gordon?)
Wall cutout becomes strangely significant in frame – why?
Evokes thoughts of people going crazy – Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb, end of Apocalypse Now –smiling at end – crazy but funny at the same time.
Where does the piece lie?
Discomfort – frightening feelings, feelings of getting cut.  Visceral experience, bodily experience.
Sound element – bigger picture – filmed within urban environment, police helicopters in background.  Greater world feeding into what he’s doing.
Goes all these places, cringing while watching it.
Was concerned about cigarette and glasses during planning, but “it had to be this way.”

Questions – Why smoker?  Era of clothing?  Why is he not in a bathroom?

Reminded of Monty Python animation – Terry Gilliam shaving animation

Elements of drag – everything becomes costume, everything becomes performance.  Male to male drag, female to female drag, gradients of gender and absurdity.  This man is performing a male character type that is difficult to articulate – absurd, exaggerated, all-out.  Nighttime scene, garish colors, lighting.

Costume perfect – did you remove the blades?

Questioned authenticity of razor.

Good casting – seems mostly fake with hair and glasses.  Every aspect seems unreal in a good way.

Absurdity of scene is pretty intelligent – art can be selfish in its demands to be interpreted or held to a specific theme.  In focusing on aesthetics, didn’t go this way.  Art can be about personal reasons.  Piece mocks art in a good way.

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